
thingsThingy for MacOS currently does two things.

  • 1. It allows the user to set a global hotkey combination that opens up the Quick Entry item for Things 3 regardless of whether Things 3 is running or not.
  • 2. Once a To Do is complete you can select it and with a global hotkey automatically archive it to a selected folder in AppleNotes.

I use Things 3 daily and am frustrated by its limited archiving abilities. For many of my To-dos they become verbose texts containing solutions, information, and all sorts that I wish to save on a project by project basis, to retrieve at a later date, a feature that is not really available in Things 3.

You can log To-Do’s but it’s not a neat way of accessing your ‘wiki’ of knowledge built from using the Things 3 app. Now that Apple Notes is a much fuller product, automating the collaboration between Things 3 and Apple Notes is what thingsThingy will be all about.

thingsThingy is my fist real Xcode 13, Swift 5.5 Silicon App written to incorporate the new SwiftUI into existing Storyboard projects, and get me up to speed on development in Xcode. It also features Sindre Sorhus’ Keyboard Shortcuts. Many thanks must go to Gabriel Theodoropoulis for all his assistance with this project.

The version of thingsThingy currently for sale below,is an identical copy of the above Xcode/Swift thingsThingy app but written in Xojo/Basic as an execise to compare programming ease, time to completion, etc, and whether it is actually worthwhile developing at all in Xcode. The only difference being that its global shortcuts are currently hardcoded whereas in the Xcode version the customer is at liberty to change them. To distinguish the different code bases the development name for the Xojo version is called thingsThingyxojo (as below). It is codesigned and notarised by Apple. Thanks go to Juerg Otter for his xojo2DMGAppNotarization Post Build Script and support.

Purchase thingsThingy

thingsThingy for Mac @ £5.00 GBP

NB: This App has been certified (codesigned and notarized) by Apple, to be free from malware and licenced for distrubution outside of the Apple Store: