Software Design & Development gallery thingsThingyMac Statusbar icon allowing for shortcut key or menu access to Things, plus Archiving to ...ProgressBarAEAn AppleScriptable Progress Bar dialogue box. 64Bit, ARM and dark mode compatible.ActiveAppARM and Intel versions of an App Switcher with Statusbar icon of current forefround app ...Google Analytics & Clickthrough eventsModification of MAGEE shortcodes for Google Analytics clickthrough eventsFQR Automation SoftwareAutomation of First Quench Retail artwork production studio using AppleScript and XOJOCo-Op Automation SoftwareAutomation of Co-Op Pharmacy's POS artwork production studio using AppleScript and XOJODNH Design Automation SoftwareAutomation of BoxShot 3D to customer specificationSuperdrug Automation Software Suitecomplete automation of POS artwork creation studioKidsPack bulk mailer and auto-calculate tax rebateBulk MailerSolomon's Mobile WebsiteRecoding mobile theme and WordPress Plugin