OBVIOUS NWO Deep State Democrat MSM coalition is working hard to take control by inverting everything and destroy TRUMP. How can a party calling themselves ‘DEMOCRATS’ be the absolute opposite of what they claim? Because ‘Inversion’ is how they work. Their real name is LEGION. The same inversion runs the NWO European Union, pretending to be something they are clearly not. Remove true DEMOCRACY from the member nations, open borders, bring in waves of immigrants with islamic and other ideologies to destroy Christian Western values and promote hedonism through the fake MSM and break down the cultural cohesion and values of a society from the inside. All the easier then to manipulate, control and promote the poorly hidden totalitarian NWO agenda of the EU.
Thank God for Brexit.
We the people of all democratic nations put you the politicians into power and pay for you to work for US the people through TAXATION. If you don’t work for us but line your pockets, corrupt the system and sell your souls and our ‘inalienable rights’ without our agreement or acceptance then we WILL vote you out. Of course with the EU we are unable to vote you in nor vote you (parasites) out. You think you have thought of everything in your ‘unassailable’ ivory tower with your grandiose plan of ‘unconquerability’ and control of Civilisation…. except that you forget, your Babylon will fall, just as Rome fell. Nobody will mourn the loss.