
(NB: Thingy has been updated into a more fuller app called thingsThingy
with customisable key combos and archiving features.)

In order to add a new Thing (item) to your ‘Things’ To-Do List means having to activate the Things app first so that it then recognises the keyboard combo for a quick item entry, or otherwise launching the app first so that you can then ‘add a new item’ by clicking the relevant menu item. Either way it’s an extra step and all a bit naff!

Thingy is an Apple Menu app I’ve written in Swift 3 ( which sits in the top right of the Apple Menu and thus always available). When you want to add a new ‘Thing’ you type Command-Shift-T on the Keyboard or select “new Thing” from the dropdown menu, no matter what app you’re in or what windows are currently active on the desktop. Voila!

Here is the screen shot


More info about Things